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Sunday 23 December 2012

on this night, on this very Christmas night

My mantel
"The spirits can do any thing they like of course" (A Christmas Carol), even old Kris Kringle knows how to come down an electric fireplace!

 Butchart Gardens

 This Yuletide fantasia of lights is a family tradition along with "A Christmas Carol" ( the old Alister Sim version), but on this night a sudden downpour prevented me from taking more photos.  It takes about an hour to wind our way through sunken gardens and over bridges and down secret paths searching for the 12 Days of Christmas;  a must at this time of year as you cannot help but be drawn into the magic of a story told with such radiance and humour. Then there is ice skating to music as strolling musicians and carolers also make their way. Afterwards  we take time to sit and have a hot chocolate by a roaring fire in the cafe and finally go  home smiling, dreaming of golden pear trees and french hens wearing berets and drinking cafe au lait - Oh and having the urge to call one of the calling birds on it's cellphone.
  My favourites are the "creepy puppets"(named so by Tamra who sang the 12 day count very loudly so anyone who may have forgotten the words would know what to expect next). The 11 pipers are lifesized Venetian marionettes piping in the Italian garden!!
(For a more complete version see the Butchart Christmas video from 2010 at page footer ).

Butchart Gardens

The jewelled cosmic tree

5 Golden Rings

Share it with a child!

"A smile is the sun that drives winter from the face" Victor Hugo

Blowing kisses from the Christmas Carousel at Butchart


outdoor skating at Butchart Gardens

Creepy puppets

Wishing you a magical Christmas
( I said he'd be back)

Waiting up to meet the Christ Child


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